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Privacy policy

TeeTalk is for members of the senior section at Barnard Castle Golf Club. The website does not use cookies, though the server automatically collects usage statistics that can include your IP address. It is administered by Steve Myers (newsletter editor) whose company (Team Technology) is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner's Office.

If you join the mailing list, we will put your email on our system, along with your first and last name. We use this information only to administer the newsletter and announcement mailing list, and to undertake senior section activities such as arranging golf matches.

The information is held on a server that is protected by passwords. We do not allow access to that list or pass your information to anyone outside the club, though there may be legal exceptions to this (e.g. if required by the police as part of an investigation) or for support purposes (e.g. when asking the supplier of the mailing list software to fix problems).

If you want to be removed from the mailing list, click the removal request at the bottom of any list email, or contact Steve or one of the senior section committee.